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2021 in Preview - a look at the upcoming year on the NA Server

Around this time last year around I wrote a preview for 2020 and while it did have some issues I only realized lateron, many people found it to be helpful. So here we go again. We're nearing the end of 2020 and while that year has been... interesting to say the least, it's time for another preview nontheless. This is all based on our Clairvoyance EX, that is, based on how NA pretty much follows JP just two years behind.
There's a few caveats to go here and before I go to a month-by-month rundown of next year. I feel like I should point out what to expect, in general, from our Clairvoyance - and what not to. As a baseline, you can expect all major events, servant releases, welfares and so on that JP had in 2019 in 2021 on NA in roughly the same order and timeframe. As in, if a major event happened on JP in April 2019, it will, with a high amount of certainty, happen in April 2021 on NA.
However, we do not follow JP to the letter on NA. For one, there's Commemoration Campaigns. Commemoration Campaigns, as the name implies, commemorate things. That means, they're tied to real-life happenings. Things like Expos, Anime releases or similar things. That, of course, means, that they cannot happen in the same way, just two years later. Things like Anime releases are usually held on NA when the anime releases there. KYOMAFS or FGO THE STAGE Campaigns don't apply to NA in the first place. Things like this.
So, as a baseline, whenever a Campaign or Event commemorates something, do necessarily not expect it on NA two years later. Sometimes we get these campaigns repackaged as another thing. Sometimes we get them way earlier, like with the Babylonia release campaigns that happened late 2019 and early 2020, near-simultaneously with JP on NA. Sometimes we don't see them at all. Our Clairvoyance doesn't apply here.
Finally, as a warning, sometimes events happen in slightly different timeslots. The most prominent example of this would be NAs anniversary, which is a month earlier than JPs. So the anniversary events are also a month earlier. This has ramifications during that time for other events as well, which I will try to predict, but take this with a hefty amount of salt. It's uncertain how DW will handle things. Moreover, sometimes DW also just likes to switch things around. Prominent examples of this during 2020 were the Murder at the KOGETSUKAN event, which happened later to sync up with real-life moonphases (yes, really) and the Interlude Campaign VII, which happened later than expected for no reason I know of. It just did.
So, with this out of the way, one last thing remains: What am I doing here? The following: I will not list every single rateup here, duh. Things like the event compendium, or this upcoming banner spreadsheet take care of that. What I will focus on os major events, welfares, new releases and "last rateups". With last rateups I refer to limited SSR servants that, as of right now, have not received another rateup on JP after their mentioned ones. This will, of course, change, over time. JP still progresses and many servants will see new banners throughout 2021 as well, including some that might have had their "last rateup". But I will point point out last rateups of limited servants as known of at the time of writing.
So. Let's go.


NA will start the year with the New Years Campaign and GSSR and the Enma-Tei Event, together with the release of the delightful Tongue-Cut Sparrow Benienma and with the SSR Assassin Version of Li-Shuwen. Be aware, thie event will require you to have cleared S I N, the third Lostbelt, to participate. So if you haven't done so until then, you really should get going.
Traditionally, the New Years Banner has lots of widely liked servants and this year is no exception. Besides Mainstays like Gilgamesh, Tamamo and Scathach, this is also the last known rateup so far (see above) for all of Hokusai and Caster Nero. While the latter is part of a 2022 Campaign, that one has an unreasonable amount of rateups so your chances to get CasNero there are marginal at best. If you want the Foreigner or Umu in a swimsuit, you better get them now, otherwise your chances look grim until JP puts them on rateup again.
January will also see the Rerun of the Prisma Codes Event and your last chance of getting Chloe (or delicious free 5 RP). The event also releases another Magical Girl (as if we didn't have a ton already) in Miyu Edelfelt, a support Caster that, to this date, hasn't seen another rateup banner, despite being limited. Much like Asagami Fujino had her one and only rateup in 2020, you need to be sure to get Miyu now if you want her, otherwise you run out of options immediatly.
Besides that, January had a lot of Campaigns that we likely won't see on NA - see my caveat about commemoration campaigns above. We might see some of them, if only to fill the time, but the past has shown that often we will not. This includes an FGO THE STAGE banner, the WinFes Campaign and the Heavens Feel Banner that already happened on NA in the past.


February will start traditionally with the Valentines Event, this time featuring Murasaki Shikibou and her storyline of cursed books. The banner features a hefty amount of female servants, all on rateup together with Shikibou herself, with Semiramis being the only exception, being granted a rateup banner just for herself. This year, the Valentines scenes will be voiced, so rejoice, masters, for you can hear your servants presenting you with their gifts for the first time! Interestingly enough, the only other rateup Murasaki had outside of her release campaign during the upcoming Valentines was a KYOMAF campaign in September 2019 on JP. As elaborated above, there's a good chance we don't see that on NA. It might happen, in fact, it recently has happened, but that was the first time and we cannot be sure about this one way or another. That said: If you want Murasaki, better get her now, if only for peace of mind.
Later down the month NA will see a new set of Strengthenings in the Part X Campaign, including Strengthenings for Semiramis, Passionlip, Edison, Beowulf, Lancer Li, Kiara and Hans Christian Andersen. Shorty following that will be CCC SE.RA.PH Rerun and our second meeting with the delightful devilish Kouhai BB! SE.RA.PH is, canonically, a main story chapter - it's part of Epic of Remnant and as such, a major part of the games storyline.
It's a bit weird how they implemented it as an event, but they've since rectified that and established it as a Main Interlude on JP. Still, until that happens on NA, more than another year will pass, so better get BB now and, honestly, read through the quite entertaining story. Besides a rateup of Meltlilith, the event also features another Sakuraface in the release of Kingprotea, the most gigantic part of the Sakura Five. Honestly, her battle sprite is ridiculously big and puts even Ivan to shame. And she's sitting down.


Early in March Moriarty will get his very own event!. Contrary to Murder at the KOGETSUKAN, this one is a full-fledged event, so Moriarty will be delighted to one-up his eternal nemesis, no doubt. Together with the event, the annual Chaldea Boys Collection Banner should happen. So in case you tend to collect Husbandos moreso than Waifus, this is for you to look forward to! It's also Moriartys last known rateup so far.
Worth mentioning, while this isn't a banner, the Main Quest Clear Aid Campaign should also happen in March. If you ever wondered why the fandom wiki has guaranteed rewards for story missions that you never got on NA, this is the reason: It's a system not implemented yet. It will be. Every story mission will from the on provide you with a guaranteed material drop. Since this is applied retroactively, Masters who have cleared all the story chapters so far will receive a huge amount of materials for free at once, so that's nice.
Edit: Turns out, that came early for NA a few days after writing this post. This goes to show our imprecise clairvoyance to a degree. For QoL updates, this is even more true than otherwise.
March will also see another set of interludes, with the 8th Interlude Campaign, including new stories for Semiramis, Ngihtingale, Hijikata Toshizo, Yagyu Munenori, Consort Yu and Hessian Lobo.
And, as a final treat in a pretty filled up month, the Kokugawa Kaiten Meikyu - Ooku Event should come at the end of March and with it, the long awaited Kama. Besides being possibly the best singletarget Assassin in the game besides maybe Jack, she's also the games prime Alter Ego killer. An all around strong servant and gameplaywise, one of the strongest choices of the year. The event is also a relevant story chapter, much like CCC SE.RA.PH, and it's dubbed "Lostbelt 3.5". So since the next main story chapter is quite far out, this one's there to bridge the gap.


The Ooku event will most likely last well into April, yet the month itself also has a lot to offer. Early in April, the 16M Downloads Campaign together with MHXA as a featured servant should take place. Besides the usual amount of goodies and a 1/4 AP Main Quest Campaign up until LB2, Masters will receive 10 SQ per 10 completed Interludes as permanent extra Master Missions in the same vein that we already have the 10 SQ per 10 Strengthenings.
After the freebies (or alongside them, possibly), we will see the GUDAGUDA Rerun. If you haven't gotten the lovely pair of Ryouma and Oryou already, here's your chance! A solid singletarget Rider that, while not rivaling Kintoki, isn't a bad choice at all. The banner features Okita Alter, Hijikata Toshiza and the limited 3* Okada Izou.
And if that wasn't enough for you already or you're desperate for more welfares, rejoice, since there's more to come! Lady Reines Case Files will happen shortly after and with it, we'll be getting one of the most anticipated welfares of the year: Gray. Not only is she an interesting variant of the Saberface, she's also extremely competent at what she does. Decent AoE Assassins are few and far between and between her being NP5 for free and having a 20% battery to boot, she'll be the go-to Assassin Waveclearer for many masters. Look forward to her, she's really strong.
Oh and if Grey isn't enough for you, there's a Waver rateup right before the event and tehe event Summoning Campaign comes with the releases of Reines herself and Astraea. Now that's a great month if I've ever seen one. Keep in mind: Reines will only really begin to shine once she receives her Strengthening in 2022, which also features a rateup shortly after, so it's up to you if you want her now already.


With all the action packed into the previous months, May will offer some respite for masters on the brink of burning out and a well-deserved rest before summer will be upon us. If you still need to clear things, there's a 1/4 AP Campaign for the Epic of Remnant Chapters and a 1/2 AP event for all Free Quests during May, but if you've done everything already, you're looking forward for some slow burn for the month.
Besides the (usually) annual Class Based Summoning early in the month and Hunting Quests late in it, the only actual event in the fifth month of the year will be "A Study in the Dubious Meiho-sou" and that mirros Murder at the KOGETSUKAN, so it's a story-focused event without much farming going on. The summoning Campaign features JAlter, Tristant and Salieri.
If you've never played on JP but have listened about JP players talking about "things slowing down", this is part of what they refer to. May will be very calm and you should mentally prepare for that to not be surprised when it happens.


June is when things get interesting from a scheduling point of view. As I've mentioned before, NAs anniversary is a month earlier than JPs, so we should see it at the end of June or early July instead of at the end of July into early August. So we might need to accomodate for it in this month and that might see anothe
As such, it might very well be that the 9th Interlude Campaign, featuring Arthur, Osakabehime, Assassin Li, MHXA, Raikou, Emiya Alter and Wu, might or might not happen in early June. Lots of Skill upgrades in it, so it would be kind of sad.
Because, also in June, the 4th Lostbelt will drop. And that definitely will happen before anniversary. It's been a while since LB3 at that point, hasn't it. About time the main story continues, eh? Thinking, as of me writing this, shortly before the arrival of S I N on NA, this is like 8 months out? That's quite a long time, even if Kamas event is kinda like LB 3.5. In any case, together with LB4, Arjuna Alter will appear and boy will he be fun. He's like Spartacus on steroids and if you want to roll for just one servant based on gameplay alone, Godjuna is probably the one you want. He's amazingly strong in both his farming performance, as in his singletarget Buster Crits and while he comes with the usual caveats of being a Berserker, he's just extremely potent. Oh and this is, so far, his first and final rateup. If you want him, plan ahead and get him then.
But Junao isn't the only new servant. LB4 comes with a plethora of new servants and while he might be the most popular one, the others most definitely deserve mentioning: Ganesha, the only Non-BB Mooncancer so far E: I forgot about Summer Kiara!, Lakshmibai, the unluckiest Jeanneface in existence and William Tell a new 3*, are all unlimited, but Ashwatthama and the quite powerful Arts Support Asclepius are both storylocked, so your best chance of getting them is probably now. And since the latter two are on the same banner as Arjuna Alter... I mean you're not going to be disappointed in your rolls here, right?
JP also had the 17M DL Campaign in June though that's another clear candidate to be moved around to later for anniversary. In any case it features Nero Bride for the first - and the last - time in ages. She'll get a Strengthening, possibly together with the Anniversary, which makes her a prime Arts Looping support until Castoria shows up in 2022 and, as mentioned, it's her last known rateup, so if you want her, you have to get her now.
And, as mentioned, either in late June or in early July, the 4th anniversary event will take place and, as usual, bring a huge lot of goodies with it. Besids tons of free quartz for various reasons it comes with the Release of Rider Da Vinci Lily and a plethora of new 1-2*s. Jason, Paris, Gareth, Bartholomew Roberts, Charlotte Corday, Salome and, most notably, Chen Gong, who will feature in lots of future farming setups, I'm sure. These new bronze servants will be availabe in the Friend Gacha and you will have no issue getting them soon. They're not even 3*s, so geting them to NP5 is trivial, no need to worry about it.
For many people, the most important feautre of the 4th anniversary campaigns will be the changes to the summoning system. From then on, Masters will get a free 11th roll for every 10 rolls on one banner. Regardless if you're doing the rolls one by one or in a batch of 10, the 10th roll will come with a free additional roll on top of it. Furthermore, the SSR single rateup chance will be changed from 0.7% to 0.8%. The overall SSR rate per roll remains at 1%, but the chance to get spooked during single rateup rolls is reduced from 0.3 to 0.2%, essentially making it more likely to get the servant you want instead of one from the general pool.
In JP, Strenghtening Quests Part IX happened in conjunction together with the anniversary, so expect that here as well. Besides the aforementioned Strengthening to Bride, it also includes Altera, adds a Battery to Romulus, further Strengthenings to Medusa Lily, Gorgon, Iskander and Alexander, Medea Lily and Kotarou and Boudica, Martha, Maid Alter and Gawain. I'm sure there's something for everyone here.


Depending on how our June went, we might see a few events and campaigns from then in July instead. As mentioned, the 9th Interlude Campaign and the 17M Downloads Campaign might happen early this month instead. But, depending on schedule, July will see 2 events: 2019s GUDAGUDA and the summer rerun.
GUDAGUDA Final Honnoji will be this years GUDA event and with it, an amazingly strong and fun welfare will be given to masters: Nagao Kagetora. Seriously, her animations and voice lines are some of the best in game and the way her seeming enthusiasm accompanies everything she does is very enjoyable, at least to me. She's an Arts Singletarget Lancer and a master in her role, I've enjoyed playing with her tremendously.
Besides Kagetora, the event also features the releases of Demon King Nobunaga and the limited 3* Berserker Mori Nagayoshi, together in a summoning campaign with Summer Nobu as the featured 4*. All these will feature again a year later in the events rerun, so if you're not in a hurry, you can roll for them then.
Also in July (or maybe in early August, depending on how the schedule might change around annversary), Summer Jeannes Summer Event Rerun will happen, with the usual rateups that we know from her original run. If you haven't gotten her with the original event, this is your last chance to get a very useful Berserker welfare and if you've gotten her and all the costumes already, this rerun has a whooping 11 RP for you, so that's definitely something to look forward to!
This is your last chance (bar the already mentioned Swimsuit Campaign, the biggest bait banner ever) to roll for Summer Jeanne, Summer Ushiwakamaru, Summer Medb and MHXX and has also, so far, been the last rateup for Edmont Dantes, so have an eye out for them then.


Since anniversary will have happened at late June / early July, August will, most likely, be a calmer month for NA again. While we might see the Summer rerun in early August instead of in July, there's not much else happening here, but the actual summer event, Las Vegas Official Bout, featuring the lovely and very capabale Saber Hokusai as welfare. Another strong addition to every Masters roster, this Arts Singletarget Servant comes with a plethora of string skills and is, for the most part, a straight upgrade to the other ST Saber welfare so far, Brave Liz. Sorry Eli. Newer Master should definitely get her, just as Kagetora is a strong ST Lancer, Hokusai is a just as strong ST Saber.
Besides that, Masters will see the first Merlin rateup in ages during the Summer Event and the newly released Ruler Artoria, Lancer Melt, the long awaited Swimsuit Okita, Berserker Musashi, Archer Okasabehime and Rider Carmilla. Gameplaywise, especially Lambda and Berserker Musashi are the standouts here, but we all know that nobody rolls on swimsuit servants for gameplay value, right?
Rolling aside, Las Vegas is an excellent opportunity to stack up on large amount of QP and just by playing the event, Masters will easily gain 300M QP or more, without special grind. Swimsuits, QP, Gambling, a strong welfare... what's not to love about this event?


Remember when I mentioned that 2020s schedule will be slower than you're used to? September will be another relatively slow month but, as is customary, the one event that does take place will be guaranteed to take up a lot of your attention, but first things first. JP started September with the 10th Interlude Campaign that includes Interludes for Ishtar, Tesla and Enkidu (who all get NP or Skill upgrades with them) and Jack, Amakusa Shirou and Parvati (for whom you'll just see SQ).
Also in September, another Class-based Summoning Campaign should hit Masters, so if you're moreso looking for a whole plethora of different options from one class than for a specific servant, consider giving that a try?
And, as promised, September will feature the recurring Autumn Lottery: Battle in New York Part II, also called IshtarFest because, well, you'll see. :) Obviously at this point you should have your setups ready for heavy grinding, as with every lottery. This years features Snake Jewels, Horeshoes, Proofs and Chains as Materials. Not quite Dust and Bones but eh, can't always have those, right? Obviously, Gilgamesh is on rateup there, because of course he is.
Finally, September did see a KYOMAF Campaign. Now, in the past, Kyomafs weren't a thing on NA because they're neither relevant, nor in the correct time, after all, the according exhibit had happened 2 years earlier. However, in 2020, we did see the Kyomaf campaign on NA rebranded as Shuten Douji Summoning Campaign. So... there's precedence. But who knows if it happens or not, we can't really give any proper prediciton here.


For October I need to start with a Disclaimer about the Babylonia Commemoration Campaigns. From October 2019 on, JP had a line of Commemoration Campaigns featuring the Babylonia Anime because that was when it first released. As I've already mentioned in the beginning, Commemoration Campaigns are difficult for NA to predict and these especially so, since they already happened. NA had them in 2019 and 2020 as well, just a very short time after JP had them and very out of schedule.
As such, I believe it's extremely unlikely that we see a repeat of them. However, we might see certain aspects of them transferred to a different event, to Thanksgiving or anything else. This is not really a thing to predict as we have no idea how DW might handle them. As such, I will list the Campaigns here, just for completeness sake, but just once and not refer to them again in the months after. Babylonia I, Babylonia II. The third and fourth Campaign were in early 2020 for JP.
In any case, the thing we'll definitely see is the Halloween Rerun, which, sadly, is the last Halloween Event so far. With no new Halloween themed event either in 2019 or in 2020 on JP, Halloween simply has ended in Chaldea with this rerun, so savor it while it lasts. It's the second and last chance to get Caster Shuten of course and also features the last rateup for Lancer Ibaraki so far.
As a second event during October (or possibly during very early November), Saber Wars II will happen. While not a Halloween Event, it stands very well on it's own two legs and comes with two new limited servants, Space Ishtar and Calamity Jane. Space Ishtar is another servant with three completely different forms for each of her ascensions, much lika Demon Nobu, and will be the Queen of Castoria Looping once she releases in 2022. On her own right, she's a bit like Jeanne just as an AoE Servant, in that, she's always useful with her 50% battery and her NP color-changing shenanigans, she will fit into any Masters roster well, but she'll rarely be the single best choice for anything. With Castoria however, she's a go-to servant for essentially anything the game throws at you and if you plan on going down the Castoria hole in 2022, gettins SIshtar here is most definitely your best bet.
As of the time of this writing, neither SIshtar nor Calamity Jane had another banner, but it's fully expected to see the Saber Wars II Rerun on JP in the near future, as it's still outstanding. Hard to predict, of course, as are all things JP, but it might very well happen. MHXA also has a Banner during SW2 and that has been her last rateup so far just the same. So if you're into Sith Lords with a thing for earthly sweets, better prepare your Quartz! And if you'd like her original Version, the Prerelease Campaign is so far the last time MHX herself is on rateup.


We're nearing the end of the year already and besides SW2 that will go well into November, Christmas will soon be upon us. But first, it's time for the 18M Downloads Campaign and Skadis second ever showing. If you missed her during 3rd anniversary, here's your next chance in getting the Queen of Snow and Ice and yes, you need to wait that long for her to come up again. It'll be interesting to see how many people will try to get their Skadi here on NA with our Clairvoyance telling us about Castoria the year after, guess we'll have to wait and see. Besides Skadi, November will also bring another iteration of Hunting Quests.
Now, famously, JP did skip the Christmas rerun in 2019. As such, it's likely that NA doesn't see a second iteration of Quetzmas either. Instead, Christmas itself comes early this year and the End of November will see Nightingales Christmas Carol featuring, of course, Santa Nightingale as a welfare. A pretty decent mixture of support, sustain and AoE Archer, she comes with an Arsenal of Carpet Bombs as NP and an Ishtar-like Crit-Charisma. Together with the Event, Saber Astolfo sees the light of day and if you've ever dreamed of Astolfo in a Bunny Costume wielding a chain-sword, well, here's your chance!
As usual, of course, the Christmas Event is the second lottery of the year and even if it's early for real Christmas, the presents in the FGO version are definitely worth grinding for. Lanterns, Octuplets, Pages and Fangs, together with a Ticket in each box that can be exchanged for either a Claw, a Phoenic Feather or a Ring of Giant means happy grinding indeed. As usual, prepare your setups well in advance and save up on your apples if you want to go hard.
Not to forget, around this time we should also see the NA-exclusive Thanksgiving Event and Banner. I'm not going to go into speculation about this right here as it's not really possible to predict this a year in advance, just keep it in mind: it should happen around here as well.


We're in December and Christmas is already out of the way. Weird, huh? Talk about a change in scheduling. 2019 was a strange year on JP and if we continue to follow that schedule in NA as we did in the past, it will be a weird year on NA as well. But things are as they are and DW moves in mysterious ways, as we all know.
In any case: While the early December will still feature the end of the Christmas Event and Masters grinding for presents, it will also feature andother Interlude Campaign with Interludes for Napoleon, Ivan, Anastasia, Lanling, Tomoe, Qin Liangyu and the Valks, with Napo, Ivan and Tomoe all receiving NP upgrages in the process.
And finally, didn't we forget something? Through all of the year, there was only one story Chapter with LB4, so... time for at least a second one, right? Right. Lostbelt 5.1 - Atlantis! We do, after all, get a second story chapter in 2021. The first act to the fifth Lostbelt finally arrives late in the year and concludes it all the same. Together with the chapter, Super Orion amd the unlimited Europa and Mandricardo release and that means, it's time for another powerhouse.
While you might know Orion only as a perverted bear from the hijacked Saint Graph where Artemis is really the Servant in question, this one is on a completely different level. A bear he might be, but he's an insanely strong singletarget Archer which, thanks to his selfbuff on NP, has a super easy time reaching absurd damage numbers with his facecards. I mean it, it's ridiculous how easy Super Orion is able to get to hundreds of thousands of damage per card. If you're into that and need a capable Archer, he's your man... well, maybe not exactly, Artemis wouldn't be happy if he was, but err... he's there for you? Maybe better that way.

Final words

So that's it for 2021 - or that's how 2019 was in JP. Overall it's a bit of a less exciting year than 2018/2020 was. Between just two story chapters, spaced out widely (assuming you don't count the Kama event), the lack of a Halloween Event and the missing Christmas Rerun, people started to feel like things didn't go quite as planned on JP anymore. Still, with several new powerhouses released, capable welfares and upgrades to servant we know and like, the game doesn't really get any worse than it was and there's lots to look forward to in 2021 as well. Even if the beat kind of slowed down a bit.
As with last year, I hope this helps you plan around the next year and maybe you are able to find one or two or five servants worth saving up for. There's potential there, most definitely. If you want to know how much SQ you will have at any given time, you can either use this spreadsheet with event rewards together with this calculator or you can make a copy of this spreadsheet that does the calculation for you. Both methods will give you a pretty decent idea about how things will be looking.
submitted by RuinousAmbition to grandorder [link] [comments]

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This slot also features Yeti wilds and high-paying Eskimo scatter symbols. If a win isn’t big as big as you’d like it to be, there’s a gamble feature in which you can stake either all or half of any win to try and double your money.
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Play at Fruits4Real on Mobile

Our review experts reckon the Fruits4Real mobile casino is the ideal way to enjoy gaming on the go. You'll find the site is optimized for all the latest Android smartphones and iPhones, as well as tablets and iPads. That means you won’t have to download an app or any additional software to play here.
You can sign up to Fruits4Real casino on your mobile. If you’ve already created an account on your desktop or laptop, you’ll be able log in using the same username and password. The casino’s mobile platform will give you access to lots of thrilling games, including the chance to spin sensational mobile slots from Betsoft Gaming into action.
You’ll find you can access all the welcome bonuses, free spins, and regular promotions from your mobile phone too. You also have the facility to make deposits and withdrawals, as well as use the live chat and email support features offered at Fruits4Real.

Access Quick and Easy Support

If you find anything that’s stopping you getting the maximum enjoyment out of Fruits4Real casino, don’t hesitate to get in touch with their customer support team. There’s the live chat or email option via your desktop, tablet, or mobile. You can also look them up and contact them on Facebook and Twitter.
Help is available seven days a week from 07.00 to 03.00 (CET), and our review team found the Fruits4Real casino support agents to be friendly and knowledgeable. All our questions were dealt with quickly and professionally, and we were pleased with the answers they provided.
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How to Fund Your Fruits4Real Account

You’ll find that you can deposit funds at Fruits4Real casino using a variety of payments methods, some of which are only available in certain countries. You can make your deposits and withdrawals using the e-wallet Skrill, popular credit cards, prepaid cards, and Bitcoin.
The maximum amount you can deposit is €1,000, while the maximum withdrawal limit is set at €5,000 per 24 hours and €25,000 per month. Our reviewers are pleased to report that Fruits4Real casino will not charge any transaction fees if you live in one of the SEPA countries.
When you request a withdrawal, your winnings will remain pending for 24 hours. During this period, you will have the right to reverse your payment and continue playing with your funds. After the pending period has lapsed, payments to EU accounts will be completed in 1-2 days, with non-EU accounts being credited within 3-5 days.
Once you have requested a withdrawal, Fruits4Real will immediately ask you to complete its mandatory identity verification checks. You can prove your identity by sending photocopies of a valid form of photo ID, a recent utility bill, and evidence of ownership of your chosen payment method.

Time to Get Real

The team behind this review were impressed by Fruits4Real casino and are confident that you’ll relish the chance to experience everything it has to offer.
You can claim a welcome package as well as weekly promotions and offers, and you can use these bonuses and free spins to play lots of great slots. Secure and fast banking and advice about responsible gambling also means you can have a good time knowing you’re in a safe and fair online environment.
So, if you want to enjoy an excellent all-round online casino experience, it’s time to sign up to Fruits4Real and squeeze as much as you can out of your welcome bonuses and free spins.
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submitted by shomesrobery to Onlinecasinomalaysia [link] [comments]

Emojino Casino 20 No Deposit Free Spins For New Players

Emojino Casino 20 No Deposit Free Spins For New Players

Emojino Casino Review & Free Spins Bonus
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Emojino Casino Full Review

Emojino Casino is an online casino owned and operated by True Flip Gaming Limited and it is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority so relax everything is safe, legit and fun on Emojino. You will enjoy a user-friendly interface that allows you to understand everything that the casino has to offer. You will be happy to hear that there are tons of multiple games such as slot games, live casino games, jackpot games, and table games provided by top game makers. Emojino Casino also works with secure banking platforms like Neteller, Skrill, Ecopayz, MuchBetter and Neosurf so you are able to make deposits and withdraw your earnings without any issues at all times with no extra fees. You can boost your winnings by seizing the promotions and tournaments available on a regular basis on the casino and earn cash rewards that go over €1,500. The website can be displayed in several languages including English, German, Portuguese, Finnish, Norwegian and others plus there is a live chat support available 24/7 that will not let you down.

Emojino Casino Bonuses

Emojino Casino offers a welcome package for each new player that finishes the registration process successfully, the package goes up to €1,500 and is composed of 4 different bonuses.
The first promotion is a first deposit bonus of 100% that goes up to €300 plus 100 free spins to use on your favorite slot games, the second offer is a second deposit bonus of 50% that goes up to €400, the third one is a 75% bonus that goes up to €400 that can be claimed after your third deposit and the last offer of this welcome package is a 75% bonus that goes up to €400.
The minimum amount you must deposit in order to claim each bonus is €20 and each bonus must be wagered at least 30 times, otherwise, the players will be unable to withdraw the earnings made with any of them.
Emojino Casino also has multiple tournaments open on a regular basis so that the players can win real money showing their skills and luck on the many games available on the casino.
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Emojino Banking

The methods you may use to make your transactions are Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Bank Transfer, Interac Online, Skrill, Neteller, Paysafe Card, Trustly, Ecopayz, MuchBetter and others. The minimum amount you can deposit is €10 and the maximum limit per transaction is €5,000. All of the deposits are processed instantly without extra charges. The minimum amount you can withdraw is €40 and the maximum limit per each withdrawal request is €5,000. The payments are processed instantly and there should be no extra fees charged by Emojino Casino when depositing or withdrawing, but some methods may have extra charges of their own that Emojino Casino is not responsible for.

Emojino VIP & Loyalty Rewards

Emojino Casino does not have any loyalty rewards program or VIP club available to the players at the moment of the making of this review. But, you are able to join the affiliate program in case you are a webmaster. All you need to do is submit an application and once you get accepted you will start promoting this online casino on your site or blog. You will get paid for every new player that registers on Emojino Casino through the marketing material displayed on your site.
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Emojino Casino Games & Slots

You are able to play slot games, table games, jackpot games, live casino games and others on Emojino Casino. The number of games is quite wide and various so you will never get bored plus the quality of the games is high as well because all games were developed by some of the best game makers nowadays such as Pragmatic Play, Truelab, ELK Studios and Play’n Go.
The players are also capable of playing any game they want from their mobile devices without complications. They can play directly from their internet browser and they will not be missing any feature on the games.
Some of the most popular slot games on Emojino Casino are: Octopus Treasure, Xmas Magic, Crusader, Robby the Illusionist, Blood lust and Gonzo’s Quest.
In case you are more interesting in the live casino games that make you feel as if you were in a real life Las Vegas Casino because the following games will catch you for a lot of time: Manhattan Wild, American Blackjack, Blackjack Live, Poker live, Baccarat, Baccarat Live and Roulette.

Emojino Customer Service

You can contact an Emojino Casino customer service representative via email, phone or via live chat. The agents are working 24/7 on each platform so you can reach out to them at any time you want without worries. There are plenty of agents working so you will not have to wait long for one of them to answer you, so don’t hesitate to contact them with any questions or problems you may have.
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Join Emojino Casino Now

Emojino Casino is fully licensed to offer gambling services by a reliable gaming authority, allowing you to feel safe at all times when taking part in the many games available on this online casino. Emojino Casino also works with several banking platforms that are totally secure and the payments are processed instantly as well so you can receive your well-deserved earnings whenever you request them. So, Join Emojino Casino now and start earning extra money playing exciting games.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

What is the minimum required age to play?

The minimum required age is 18 years without exceptions.

Is there a practice mode or just for fun mode available at the casino?

Everyone is free to register and play some games to test the website or simply have fun, but in order to start earning some cash you need to make your first deposit.

Are there countries that are not allowed in Emojino Casino?

Yes, Emojino Casino does not allow residents in countries where online gambling is illegal to register and/or take part in the games and betting options available, some of those countries are: United States, The Netherlands, Portugal, China, Japan, Singapore, Azerbaijan, Latvia and Ukraine. You should read the full list of excluded countries on the terms and conditions of Emojino Casino.

Does Emojino Casino accept Bitcoin transfers?

No, it does not. You cannot make your deposits and withdraw your earnings on this online casino using Bitcoin.

Is there a friend referral program?

Emojino Casino does not offer a friend referral program, but there is an affiliates program so if you are a webmaster, you can join the program and earn commissions for the players that you bring to the casino using the marketing material provided to you on the affiliates program.

Does Emojino Casino have a gaming license?

Yes, it does. It is regulated and licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority so you are always protected by the law when making transactions or claiming your bonuses and promotions.

In Which platforms is the casino available?

It is available on PC, Mac, Android and iOS devices.

Does Emojino Casino have Christmas bonuses?

Emojino Casino has daily Christmas bonuses and they have an advent calendar on their website. Just checkout their bonus page to get more details.
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Step by step guide to new challenge:

  1. Be born in Las Vegas, emigrate to Monaco.
  2. Marry into royalty (if on iOS), get a job as a singer (if on Android).
  3. Do horse races first. Gamble in small amounts to keep from losing too much.
  4. If you fail to get addiction from step 3, go to casino next and gamble in small amounts until you get it. There is no particular trick that makes you addicted faster, just keep gambling.
  5. After you have addiction, bet $10M or whatever you still need to get $10M lifetime earnings. If you win on $10M, but are still short of $10M overall, reduce bet to only the amount you still need on second bet.
  6. After you’ve satisfied all other requirements (minus the surprise me one), go to rehab.
  7. For surprise me requirements, just hit the button anytime it comes up, the clicks will add up fast. Use the half age ups to increase scenario pop ups (if on iOS).
  8. Lastly, at no point should you need to use the time machine.
submitted by psherman_ to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

Do not join WFG, Transamerica, or any MLM! Let's use facts to discuss why....

Do not join WFG, Transamerica, or any MLM! Let's use facts to discuss why....
Can money be made in MLM (Multi-level Marketing)? Yes, but only for the top 1% who join in the very beginning.
Who am I? I am a woman who made this post because of my brief experience in MLMs and I am someone who wants to see her friend out of an MLM once I found out the truth.
Because my friend is completely brainwashed by World Financial Group, an insurance-based MLM, I'd like to share everything I learned trying to convince her to get out of a pyramid-shaped company that relies on recruits to make the majority of their money. Perhaps this can help you or a friend. If so, it is worth all of effort for me. I love my friend very much, just like you love yours. Let's share the real information of what MLMs do to impoverished communities through facts.
Scroll down for government article links on MLMs and why 99% of people in them lose money.
The way a pyramid is shaped means that only the top 1% in the pyramid make money. In order to be in the top 1%, typically you have to join an MLM in the first year. Here's a fact: World Financial Group began in 2011.’s 2020 right now. If you join WFG, not much is going to happen for you now. WFG began too long ago to make money in it today for new recruits, but they need recruits to keep money funneling to them for the top 1%.
In this review, I am going to use government based articles to explain why this setup at WFG and MLMs in general are a very bad idea of nearly everyone involved.
The information in this post includes answers to why MLMs are immoral, target minorities populations, and exploits people for money, and how MLMs breed poverty in already poverty-stricken communities (Latinos & African Americans). I mention race here because racial bias is important to consider when investing MLMs. I am going to show you valid points on why, with a foundational basis on math and facts to explain this to you, but I’m going to give you my personal story and thoughts as well. You should read the links from government websites to get the full picture on MLMs and World Financial Group, Transamerica, and all other MLMs = is all the same pyramid shaped system.
I’m going to demonstrate the moral point, that all pyramid-shaped MLMs are immoral and exploitative, even with WFG, who sells insurance policies, which is supposed to be a helpful benefit, right? Like my WFG friend tells me, "you're so confused. We help so many people. I know all about pyramids. They teach us all about pyramids."
My Background in MLMs:
My ex’s father was an MLM expert in the company MonaVie (2008). We will call him H. In the past, I used to be able to google H and easily find information from his name and his success, but it is like he disappeared from the internet. I used to admire H a lot. He was an African American man, tall, skinny, and very educated. He used to be homeless, but got into MLMs and other businesses, making a lot of money later. I went to his conferences for MonaVie with his 20's age son, and I recall he held his son a spot higher up in the company bracket so that his son could begin selling with a solid downline from recruits. From his son's words, H made approximately $300,000 per month for having people underneath him in an MLM. I was impressed because I thought MLMs were amazing if someone could make that much money.
When I looked up H's website, he charged $500 per phone call for his advice. I thought, in my early twenties, "Wow, this must be a smart man to charge that much for advice." Also, H was an engineer, which required a level of understanding in science and math beyond my scope. I remember listening to H's talks and he was a gifted speaker and dreamer ... he had a way with people and he recruited a lot of people beneath him. H was in the top 1% and made elite status in the MLM company. What H and other did not tell you is that no one except the first people that joined ever made the kind of money H made, not even close, despite all of the conferences he had in people signing up as new recruits.
Reflecting on H and what I know now, I am pretty disappointed that he knew how this worked, but still found it just fine to make all of these dreamers under him purchase products and lose money for his gain. It's a greedy world for the top MLM people.
MLMs will never work unless you joined in the very very early stages.
I almost joined an MLM 3x! I know, it's sad....
The last time it happened I was in a Chipotle getting lunch and surrounded by mostly men in business suits. One African American man approached me and we had a discussion about business. He ended up buying me a book (it was actually a good book) and that made our connection. Then, he tells me that someone higher up in the business, who made a lot of money, explained to him that he can change his life if he follows this system in Amway. It is a very touching story.
Soon enough, and some Zoom calls later, I have to pass this reflective test and questionnaire to prove that I am someone that has the motivation and drive to be mentored by him. I was supposed to feel honored when I passed. After the passed first test, I am about to attend a meeting where everyone is going to clap for me because I passed the first step into this organizational pyramid called Amway....
Facts: 99.9% lost money in Amway. Check out the government article, first link.
My Amway mentor had a construction business and that was how he was doing well financially. there is no way he was able to leave Amway and retire on his benefits from the MLM. Despite people saying he was about to retire from Amway and how well he was doing, he was probably too ashamed to admit he spent 10 years and all of his extra time thinking he was going to retire early because of Amway. I also question that supposedly rich man in his story that he could have racially targeted this person to him a worker and slave to Amway for losses, not gains....
I ended up googling Amway and found another man wrote a book on how Amway scammed him out of his life savings, despite being a top agent and never seeing any of the funds the top agents promoted. Everyone thought he was successful below him, but the truth was that he was in a lot of debt.
Since all pyramid-shaped business models in MLMs work the same way with building a business based on recruits and the products purchased, below will be examples why the MLM pyramid model (**which is in all MLMs) is not a moral business model.
Let me explain.... and please chime in if I said anything incorrect, you wonderful reddit people.
  • All MLMs are setup similarly; it’s a pyramid shape. If anything is a pyramid shape, it needs money from the bottom to funnel up to the top. "You find X people, and those people find X people."
  • MLMs often target minorities, single moms, and uneducated populations. They want recruits from every sector, but they target vulnerable populations.
  • MLMs need recruits to keep the pyramid functioning, but it only gives big gains to the top 1% who first joined.
  • MLMs have a product or service, but make most of their money through recruiting.
  • MLMs have a product or service that their “agents/contractors/recruits” buy themselves.
  • MLMs give unrealistic expectations that if you join, saying, "you can make a lot of money if you work hard, but no guarantees."
  • MLMs convince you that you can be in the top 1% despite being at the bottom of the pyramid, but you never realize you’re at the bottom or how a pyramid works, but you think they have educated you....
  • MLMs make money by recruiting others.
  • MLMs have some kind of conferences or products they sell to you, usually motivational or spiritual in nature.
  • MLMs want you to think you can be your own entrepreneur, but the truth is you will never have your own LLC or S-Corp in a Pyramid. Basically, you cannot branch off into your own business because you have to be connected by a leg in the pyramid, but they want you to think you're an independent business owner to keep getting and convincing recruits.
  • MLMs target vulnerable populations, immigrant, and especially single mothers.
  • MLMs use some type of manipulative tactics and want to explain to you in person on how the finances are setup.
  • MLMs have some sort of cult-like nature to them, no matter how professional. They use manipulative tactics to pressure people into joining and FEAR is a motivator, especially pressuring people into life insurance policies …if something bad happens and you can secure your future, it guilt-trips people and the WFG agents think they are helping them and their finances, serving society and on a moral mission.
  • MLMs use psychological principles for agents to say, “if you work hard, you will more likely get results.” This is not true. A pyramid is a collapsable business model and only the top get the money and rewards. They prey on people's self-doubt, making you think you are the reason why you did not get results.
  • MLMs say now is the perfect time to join! Ever heard one say otherwise?
  • MLMs try to say they are not like the other MLMs to disguise the fact it's a pyramid. They say not all MLMs are bad. Not all MLMs are evil. Many MLMs are even promoted as charities or affiliated with helping charities.
  • They often say how terrible it is to work for employers when you can be your own entrepreneur and boss. The thing is, employers are actually better because they don't charge you to be an agent for them or make you purchase services from them. You get money from your hours worked and the employers assumes the risk of starting the company. Employers also don't make you lose 99% of your time and money.
  • They say many companies have paid training **to justify you to keep paying them money.**
  • MLMs, like World Financial Group, train you from the inside out. My friend at World Financial Group told me this herself. They do not let REAL financial advisors from universities come and talk about your MLM and how you can make money. She would not let me explain the model to a REAL financial advisor. She referred me to speak to her upline. It's always people in the group that "educate" you. My friend in WFG said, "People with PhDs don't know everything." I'm thinking....okay....that means we should not read scholarly articles that doesn't support your MLM goals?
  • With MLMs, when the person does not get results, it’s because of the pyramid shape, not because of their effort, but they sadly blame themselves. That is why many people to stay in MLMs because they need emotional support, confidence, or feel lonely and having their uplines gives them an endorphin boost. Also, feeling like they are serving a life's mission, sell insurance, is a motivator in itself.
  • MLMs do not supply you customers. Unlike working for a company like ATT, selling phones, MLMs make you hunt for them and use manipulative tactics (in the guise of you educating them or selling a product, but the goal is to get more recruits and people purchasing product/services).
  • The World Financial Group MLM takes uneducated people about finance and gives them training on how to educate the public on their finances, charging them money for training. Does it make sense that people without a finance degree to be educating others on what to do with their money? Hmmmm. I'd rather you be an actual finance person.
  • MLMs promote more than one income. It's important to have more than one income, in fact, people have many forms of income. Yes, that's because no one can support themselves on one income from am MLM where 99% are losing money,
  • MLMs convince you that wherever in the bracket you are starting, you can actually make good money if you work hard enough. FALSE. You can never work against the odds of a pyramid model and make the money of the people in the top 1% because in every MLM, 99% lose money since YOU NEED RECRUITS to make the most of your money. SCAM ALERT. RED FLAG!
  • WFG makes their agents eventually a financial advisor, helps them with licensing, and encourages them to get more recruits to feed other uneducated people for their uplines, specifically targeting minorities, thinking they are helping them secure their financial future being being more legitimate (but they reallllllly they disguise the fact that just need more recruits and trick themselves into thinking it's about the insurance).
  • MLMs say we are not a pyramid scheme, those are illegal! Yes, but even legitmate businesses are legal and immoral. For example, Scientology is a terrible scam (check out Netflix documentary on Scientology), but it is still legal. Just because something is legal, does not mean the pyramid is still immoral. They get to be a legitimate business because of the product they are selling; this is the government's loophole for them to exist.
  • MLMs love to say they are not a pyramid scheme despite their pyramid shape. How many places have you worked did you fight for your company's reputation on not being a scam?
  • MLMs give you things to say to people and others who are skeptical; it is implanted in their talks and programs. My friend has every defense for them in everything a skeptical person says, as if it discussed in their talks. She said her WFG friends get this from their friends, thinking they are part of a cult or scam. She says, "Not all pyramids are evil." I never said they were, but actually, they kind of are, depends on how you define evil I guess...
  • All MLMs mathematical odds are so against you, you’d have more luck winning the lottery to have the success of the people you admire in the company (or the success they claim to have, often lies unless in first ever to join). This truth is in the government articles linked below.
  • For the World Financial Group MLM, the average associate makes $18K per year salary. Is that what you want to make? Most don’t even reach that level and that’s poverty-level people!
  • For MLMs, the people who sign up leave. You can see this in the numbers, but they often leave out certain information. It is not a sustainable business model and every single MLM is proven to collapse.
  • Many MLMs change their name later and setup due to lawsuits of malpractice and not disclosing the real financial risk and loss upfront when new recruits join.
  • MLMs say things like, "Everything is a hierarchy in business" or "Everything is a pyramid," as an example to justify their pyramid, but still they never are REALLY educating you on the pyramid shape because they don't want you to know that you will make so little. They need you hooked and to hook other people for more recruits, the life of the top 1%...
  • MLMs do not share that if you get X person to find X people, that mathematically you’d have to go through so many cycles to make money, but the number of cycles it takes makes it impossible odds because it assumes ALL of those people who recruit won’t leave and that they actually make those goals. Most people are not sales people and quit, losing money. They give you visuals, making you think it's EASY, but it's not and odds are better to win the lottery.
  • World Financial Group silences people who speak out against their MLM.
  • MLMs And WFG breeds more racial poverty because it uses racial bias to target people who need money in low-income communities, especially people with financial problems, like African American and Latinos, and when these minorities spend money for insurance (an arguably helpful benefit because there are better insurance plans than WFG) they are exposed to MLMs recruiting them into WFG... and a high percentage of those recruited lose money due to company turnover rate, community competition, and the pyramid's setup..
  • USA Government Article Fact: 99% of people in MLMs lose money. This is a FACT.
See Government Articles Below for FACTS on MLMS:
Government Article on why 99% of people in MLMs lose money and probability odds, including breakdowns of finances for very popular MLM company agents: When the Federal Trade Commission ruled in 1979 that Amway was not an illegal pyramid scheme—mainly because legitimate products were offered, the floodgates were opened and multi-level marketing programs began to proliferate. But what is often ignored is the fact that MLM programs are still pyramid schemes, modified by a variety of compensation systems that change the character of the pyramid, but not the essential pyramidal concept, motivation, and effects. The pyramid concept in MLM is seen in multiple layers of distributors, with lower level distributors contributing income to an ―upline who may have little to do with a given sale.
USA Federal Commission quotes from this website "A pyramid scheme is called a pyramid scheme because of the shape of a pyramid: a three dimensional triangle. If a pyramid were started by a human being at the top with just 10 people beneath him, and 100 beneath them, and 1000 beneath them, etc., the pyramid would involve everyone on earth in just ten layers of people with one con man on top. The human pyramid would be about 60 feet high and the bottom layer would have more than 4.5 billion people! Thus, in very short order, 10 recruiting 10 and so on would reach 10 billion, well in excess of the earth's population**.** If the entire population of earth were 5 billion and we all got involved in a pyramid scheme, the bottom layer would consist of about 90 percent of the planet, i.e., about 4.5 billion people. Thus, for 500 million people to be WINNERS, 4.5 billion must be LOSERS.
Scholarly Article on The Behavioral Economics of Multilevel Marketing.... MLMs and pyramid schemes partially overlap: Some MLM companies are pyramid schemes and some pyramid schemes consist of MLM companies. The resemblance between the two is made salient by the organizational structure: Pyramid schemes ask those individuals at the base of the pyramid to contribute to the higher levels, with the promise of a reward provided entirely from those levels below the individual. Similarly, MLMs offer the promise of profits to its consultants, but those profits stem from two streams: Commissions from direct sales and commissions from recruiting new clients. Indeed, one early article attempting to distinguish pyramid schemes from MLM models pointed out that “the investor's pecuniary benefit [of a pyramid scheme] derives primarily from his success in inducing additional persons to participate in the plan.” Most of the money made from every WFG agent is through recruits verses insurance sales.
A Government Article from Federal Trade Commission
World Financial Group Tries to Silence People Speaking Out People at WFG created instagram accounts and harassed him to get his video taken down: https://Ω
Other popular MLM FACTS ALL MLM's work for the top 1% to make hundreds of thousands and the lowest to make nearly nothing. For example, 99% of all Arbonne distributors earned an average income of $87.36 annually whereas the top .04% earned an average income of $330,516.”
Popular MLMs with the same results of 99% losing money: Mona Vie (2008.) 99% lost Nu Skin (2008) 99% lost Herbalife (2008). Arbonne Int’l (2007) Amway/Quixtar (2001)In every case, using the analytical framework described above, the loss rate for all of these MLMs ranged from 99.12% to 99.97%, with an average of 99.6% of participants losing money. On average, one in 238 actually profited after subtracting expenses, and 996 out of 1,000 lost money – to say nothing of the time invested. The most liberal assumptions that could reasonably be used in favor of the MLMs were applied to this table of MLM loss rates. Using the more realistic assumptions discussed in prior chapters, the average loss rate for these MLMs would have averaged no better than 99.9% - with less than one in 1,000 profiting significantly. Also, I would estimate that the number of new recruits who wind up receiving the promised substantial “residual income” held out at MLM opportunity meetings is no better than one in 25,000 recruits!
An MLM Documentary (Herbalife was a scam for decades.....)
“The loss rate for MLMs is at least 99%. This means that less than one in 100 MLM participants make a clear profit, and at least 99 out of 100 participants actually lose money! In fact, classic no-product pyramid schemes are ten to one hundred times as likely to result in profits as are product-based pyramid schemes, or MLMs (government article quote from above).”
“Promoters emphasize recruiting new distributors for your sales network as the real way to make money. Walk away. In a legitimate MLM program, you should be able to make money just by selling the product (government article quote from above).
My friend thinks WFG just has bad advertising; that is what they tell her inside and she believes it.
I know some of you are thinking …”that WFG is not the same! Not all MLMs are bad! We sell insurance and help people secure a financial future.”
My answer to that is it’s still bad. Why? Because you build funds for yourself and the top of the pyramid by recruiting to uneducated people who know less about finance than you when 99% of all of you fail. That means, more people in poverty lose money and I think that's pretty bad, especially now with more attention to minority communities and the Brianna Taylor trial ....we are trying to have more diversity in the workplace to support inclusion of all races to have better economic gains for minorities families and futures.
Remember, ask yourself this question: If I ONLY sold the product would I make a good enough living without recruits? If the answer is no, you should leave now.
An MLM peoples' odds of being successful are almost zero at this phase of entry into any MLM. The insurance sales is a cunning WFG tactic because it may help people stay around longer, but the business model of a pyramid is still there and it is still overall immoral and hurts minority communities. Why?
Poverty-stricken communities pay more money than they ever get out of it with an MLM. They also get their friends and family involved, a requirement for started in WFG, which means many people are affected and lose money by paying for trainings, licenses, and even the first few people YOU bring in when you start are actually commissions made for their upline person, not you.
Remember, the government fact is that 99% of people who join an MLM lose money! Facts are facts. Also, people can get better insurance policies with other companies than offered at WFG.
WFG is a VERY clever and cunning MLM by using insurance, but it is STILL AN MLM.
What MLMs want you to think:
They want you to think YOU can be one of the top successful people financially and that it is a HARD job and it is effort gives reward.
They want you to think the long and hardworking game is how you win…but the reality is that if you were not the first to join, you will always lose more money for your effort because that’s how the pyramid shape works.
Even with insurance, people at WFG cannot sustain an income only through their insurance sales. The longer you stay, the more money you bring them. When everyone recruits everyone, you create a lot of competition in the city, but even then the competition does not last because people cannot live on an unsustainable model. That means, they put more money in than they ever got it. It's a faulty business model and expectations of sales are unrealistic. Selling insurance takes a while and that's how they keep you going for longer, using that logic....
The government article linked above states, “As indicated above, one can do much better at the gaming tables in Las Vegas. And a person need not risk his or her social capital – treasured relationships with friends and family one has spent a lifetime cultivating. “
MLMs want you to think in the here and now. Just be present with life!
WFG wants people to think their company is different, like all MLMs…this company says they are helping people with life insurance policies, but the truth is that is how they can operate legally. WFG is cunning and smart, as they found the government loophole and that by selling services, the WFG MLM keeps going and the people involved think their dreams will come true, that they will achieve the success of those above them.
Another truth, WFG’s insurance commissions are lower than in other industries and keeps people in it for longer since building up clients from an insurance takes time…. The more time they hold recruits, the more successful they are at feeding the top and their uplines.
Ask someone from an MLM if they ONLY sold the product with no recruits, would they make a livable income? If the answer is no, they need to get out.
People at WFG cannot make enough money just selling ONLY the product, but through recruits. This is where your RED FLAG ALERT should go off. Remember, the government article above says, "Promoters emphasize recruiting new distributors for your sales network as the real way to make money. Walk away. In a legitimate MLM program, you should be able to make money just by selling the product."
When my friend told me she needed 10 people to watch her training to pass her exam at WFG, I went to help her. During me helping her, they switched the energy on me and tried to also recruit me. What was an innocent act of kindness on my part was no longer all that was wanted from me, but I was curious about the business and I researched and googled it more.
I got a lot of text messages from her after that to join her in conferences.
The successful people are the only ones successful. The people claiming success….well, it will never happen for them. A lot of people in their uplines lie and pretend they make more than they do, but they end up feeling ashamed they never got the riches for all of their hard work. It's a sad world we live in and since my friend cannot hear me, maybe one of you will instead.
Here are some text exchanges I had with my World Financial Group friend. I am in the green colored boxes:
I am telling her in this conversation about how MLMs are setup. Here below she refers me her upline guy so he can explain the things she cannot. This systemic approach also increases are chances of recruiting me. Notice how she says she can never lose money she never made? In an earlier conversation, she told me she pays for conferences, so right now she is only losing money by their affiliation.
I am asking her how much money she is making profit after her working there for one year. Do you see her response? She diverts from it and immediately says I am not being fair? She and I have had many very close conversations in the past but she will not reveal to me that she is making ....which is nothing at World Financial Group after 1 full year, which is probably blames on herself despite her working very hard in lots of trainings and meetings.
Below notice how she says I can \"loose time not making money and can't loose money from something she never set up?\" This makes no sense to me with her being involved with them for 1 total year.
Below I tell her I am not going to meet with her upline, but she does not notice what I said. Later she gets upset with me that I committed to meet him when I said I no longer wanted to (not pictured, so you have to take my word on it). Also, I think it's weird she has never been upset with me before in our friendship and she takes me not meeting him as a personal attack. Also, here she says she \"cannot solve everything today,\" probably a brainwashed technique on staying in the moment and being oblivious to the MLM pyramid. She says she knows \"the odds,\" too. Okay, let's go gamble and you have a kid...since our odds are higher there? She does not know the real odds of those she targets in minority populations for the pressured recruiting tactics and signup fees.
Below she thinks I have a \"negative view\" on MLMs. It's not about my opinion, but science. She is taught to think that some pyramids are good, like her MLM World Financial Group.
Which people would disagree? The ones in your MLM? Here she thinks it is wrong that I am going to write articles on people not joining MLMs and I have convinced myself it is a scam and calls me ignorant.
Here is says she's 38 and talks about all of her business knowledge. She told me throughout our texts, about 10x explaining that \"I am not stupid.\" I never once called her stupid or ever believed she was. I have never called her a mean name ever! She also put me in the groups of her abusive ex and narcissistic boyfriend! I've dated a narc and that's seriously offensive. I would give the shirt off my back to anyone in need. That is why I am doing everything I can to help my friend get out of this MLM! She is so tied to her positive experiences in this MLM that anyone opposing it is a threat.
This MLM has her thinking that having a regular job is evil and that it's normal to need up to 4 income sources. I have 3 incomes sources, but an MLM is not a good one. I want to say....Sweetie, what's evil is MLMs who take 99% of people's money and rely on recruits in a system that only feeds the top 1%, making the bottom workers like her PAY for trainings and events, get their friends to pay... and make very low commissions for insurance preying on minorities.
She does not think that statistics or math runs the world, making her in total denial of the pyramid MLM she is involved with. She wants woman empowerment and thinks this MLM, primarily female, will be more empowered by staying involved and motivating each other. Since most MLMs are females, she is connecting to that group energy and motivation, keeping her involved to keep her self-esteem high.

Conclusion: Since all MLMs only make money in the top 1%, her recruiting people will never make her enough to support herself from recruits. While she may continue to stay in it making subpar insurance commissions, she is making less compared to other insurance companies, keeping her financial situation down unless she takes on more jobs to support herself for a good life. If she continues to stay, this MLM will steal all of her extra time that she could have had with her child. She instead will stay in an MLM that ultimately promotes more poverty, even though I know she is passionate about the opposite, which is helping impoverished populations that she is targeting for financial advice. She feels that in WFG she is helping those more than harming, but I would disagree. She would better to be involved in a non-MLM insurance company with higher commissions for her efforts.
Reddit, she is one of the purest hearted people and that is why I am trying to help her, but if I can help convince even one person to not join an MLM, then writing this was totally worth it.
submitted by peacejoyhappy to antiMLM [link] [comments]

[OC] What if every world cup team had the same population? - Group D

Bloody hell me again, bored of this yet? We’re about to be halfway through the groups of the alternative World Cup and today we’ll uncover what I believe to be the favourite for the whole thing, but more on that later…
I’ve really enjoyed the discussion that the series has provoked so far, hell, someone even attempted the South Indian lineup yesterday. If this is the first time stumbling upon the series feel free to have a gander at the groups so far.
Group A, Group B, Group C
Completing the first half of the group stage are three more predominantly Asian teams and one European. We gamble on Macau, salivate at the French bred, and I potentially earn a lifetime ban from /Pyongyang.
Southern China
6 Chinese Provinces (Chongqing, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hunan, Yunnan), Macau
Population (millions): 239.5
Unfortunately since lockdown I’ve not been able to see my grandparents, so researching ‘Hunan’ and ‘Hainan’ had me somewhat triggered, unfortunately the two provinces haven’t managed to trigger any life into a pretty poor squad.
Over 50% of this side originates from Guizhou, famous for timber and transportation, it should be fitting when the side comes crashing down to a timely exit.
Despite most associating gambling with Las Vegas, Macau is in fact the bookkeeping capital of the world, the tiny administrative unit provides one player to this 22 bust.
Goalkeepers Birthplace FM20 Value Age
Xing Yu CHN Qingdao Huanghai GK Chongqing 31 €0.55 24
Fang Jingqi CHN TZ Yuanda GK Guizhou 38 €0.40 27
Liao Junjian CHN Wuhan Zall CB Guangxi 45 €2.10 26
Deng Hanwen CHN Guangzhou E RB Chongqing 45 €2.20 26
Yi Teng CHN R & F CB Guizhou 42 €1.70 30
Zhao Yuhao CHN Hebei China Fortune CB Yunnan 41 €1.70 27
Zhao Hejing CHN Guizhou Hengfeng RB Guizhou 40 €0.30 34
Wu Qing CHN Hohhot LB Guizhou 37 €0.52 33
Luo Xin CHN Beijing Renhe CB Chongqing 35 €1.00 30
Dilmurat Mawlanyaz CHN Chongqing Lifan LB Guizhou 38 €1.20 22
Wang Song CHN Jiangsu Suning CM Guizhou 47 €0.00 37
Yang Liyu CHN Guangzhou E RM Guangxi 43 €2.30 23
Xie Pengfei CHN Jiangsu Suning RM Guizhou 42 €1.90 26
Cao Yongjing CHN Beijing Renhe CAM Chongqing 41 €1.70 23
Fan Yunlong CHN R & F LM Guizhou 37 €1.20 23
Liu Yi CHN Wuhan Zall CB Guizhou 40 €1.10 31
Feng Jing CHN Chongqing Lifan RM Guizhou 46 €2.40 26
David Cardoso MAC Bordeaux CDM Portugguese Macau 38 €0.77 25
Zhang Wentao CHN Henan Jianya ST Guizhou 37 €1.20 27
Wen Tianpeng CHN Chongqing Lifan ST Guizhou 31 €0.72 23
Wang Weicheng CHN Chongqing Lifan CF Guizhou 32 €0.56 29
Huang Zichang CHN Jiangsu Suning CF Guizhou 41 €1.70 23
Average/Totals 39 €27.22 27.09090909
It’s the same story as yesterday’s team ‘West China’, certain areas have had a headstart in the great Chinese football initiative and the far South is not one of them.
Feng Jin could be the ‘star man’, a role he is used to at his hometown club Chongqing Dangdai for whom he has played as an ever reliable utility man over 100 times. Feng’s figure pales in comparison however to Wang Song who may be ten years his senior, but has racked up 322 CSL appearances, the fourth most in the competitions 16 year history.
As far as up and coming talent is concened, look no further than Guangzhou’s Yang Liyu, the 23 year old winger is improving year having started every league match in a title winning season for the ‘South China Tigers’, scoring four goals in the process.
Another Chinese squad that is all much of a muchness, I imagine the keepers may be fighting for the safety of the bench when they see who they’ll be facing in this group.
Russia and Southern Borders
Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea
Population (millions): 249.32
Due to the global reach of the sub I’ve been helped out a lot by users in the comments informing me on their players from first hand experience, but if I’ve overlooked any North Korean’s, I may be on my own.
One of 2010’s most infamous entrants, North Korea have been cautiously separated from sibling rivalry to join a team that will predominantly consist of 2018 hosts and quarter finalists, Russia.
Russia’s National team manufactured an interesting character arc two years ago when they went from controversial hosts to plucky underdogs, it’s amazing what wiping a smile off of Sergio Ramos’ face can do. The world’s most sizable country pulled off an inspiring mix of playstyles on the world stage, beating the Saudi’s 5-0 on the opening day was the beginning slide of a showreel the prompted the likes of Aleksandr Golovin and Denis Cheryshev to be engraved in every football fanatics lexicon.
As a whole the squad may be the best that Mother Russia has assembled, but the nation perhaps lacks the A-list talent such as Ardrey Arshavin or Lev Yashin to become a further threat.
South of Russia are more Stans than a Marvel easter egg compilation, sadly just one player makes a cameo.
Goalkeepers Birthplace FM20 Value Age
Igor Akinfeev RUS CSKA Moscow GK Vidnoye 70 €6.60 34
Andrey Lunev RUS Zenit GK Moscow 66 €3.20 29
Mario Fernandes RUS CSKA Moscow RWB Sao do Sul, Brazil 73 €21.70 29
Georgiy Dzhikiya RUS Spartak Moscow CB Moscow 66 €5.10 26
Sergey Petrov RUS Krasnodar LB St Petersburg 66 €3.60 29
Victor Vasin RUS CSKA Moscow CB St Petersburg 63 €2.50 32
Dmitry Barinov RUS Lokomotiv Moscow CB Moscow Oblast 66 €3.00 24
Fedor Kudryashov RUS Antalyaspor CB Irkutsk Oblast 63 €2.20 33
Georgiy Schennikov RUS CSKA Moscow LWB Moscow 63 €1.80 28
Vyacheslav Karavaev RUS Zenit RB Moscow 64 €2.70 25
Alezandr Golovin RUS Monaco CM Kaltan 74 €24.50 23
Denis Cheryshev RUS Valencia LM Nizhny Novgorod 69 €13.70 29
Alexey Miranchuk RUS Lokomotiv Moscow CAM Slavansk 70 €7.80 25
Roman Zobnin RUS Spartak Moscow CDM Irkutsk 66 €7.40 26
Anton Miranchuk RUS Lokomotiv Moscow CAM Slavansk 68 €5.40 25
Magomed Ozdoev RUS Zenit CM Grozny 67 €4.10 28
Yuri Gazinsky RUS Krasnodar CM Komsomolsk 68 €4.10 30
Odil Ahmedov UZB Guangzhou E CDM Namangan 67 €12.60 32
Artem Dzyuba RUS Zenit ST Moscow 70 €11.70 31
Fedor Smolov RUS Celta Vigo ST Saratov 66 €6.40 30
Fedor Chalov RUS CSKA Moscow ST Moscow 64 €3.20 22
Han Kwang Song PRK Al-Duhail ST Pyongyang 54 €3.80 21
Average/Totals 67 €157.10 27.77272727
Han Kwang Song joins the squad for the sake of youth and variety, the 21 year old talent has joined the Qatari league after a spell at Cagliari in Italy, where according to sources back home he scored 40 goals in his 12 Serie A appearances.
The striker spot may be reserved however for brutish Muscovite, Artem Dzubya. The 6 ft 5 poacher aims to become Russia’s top goalscorer after netting three times in the World Cup with a further ten since. Chalov and Golovin are the prodigal talents tipped for stardom, the latter secured a move to Monaco and has recently started to show his potential after a middling start.
Accomplished wingback Mario Fernandes is a curious addition to the squad, with a scarcity of talent in the right back position, Fernandes could well have been the natural successor to Dani Alves in the Brazil set up, but instead acquired Russian citizenship upon his fifth season at CSKA Moscow.
Uzbeki legend Odil Ahmedov is very used to the company of Russians having spent 7 seasons in the RPL. The box to box midfielder was voted Anzhi fans’ player of the year in 2011 ahead of Samuel Eto’o and Yuri Zhirkov, which illustrates his obvious quality.
This side will assuredly be the runners up of the group, but that’s by no means to their discredit as I believe even 1970 Brazil would finish second to this next team.
West Mainland Europe
Portugal, Spain, Andorra, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Hungary, Italy, San Marino, Malta.
Population (Millions): 239.03
Ironically this might have been the hardest squad to compose. An embarrassment of riches personifies the continent's stronghold on the global game, the region boasts nine of the last twelve Champions League finalists at club level, and the previous four of the Euro’s.
In an alternate universe where Lionel Messi pledges Spanish citizenship, this part of the world could complete a passable World XI, with or without the help of San Marino.
I have everything to say about this region, but nothing that you don’t know already, so I’ll let my carefully crafted 22 do the talking.
Goalkeepers Birthplace FM20 Value Age
Thibault Courtois BEL Real Madrid GK Bree 81 €57.10 27
David De Gea ESP Man United GK Madrid 83 €56.80 30
Sergio Ramos ESP Real Madrid CB Camas 86 €27.50 34
Ricardo Pereira POR Leicester City RWB Lisbon 75 €36.80 27
Giorgio Ciellini ITA Juventus CB Pisa 84 €6.80 36
Aymeric Laporte FRA Man CIty CB Agen 82 €64.10 25
David Alaba AUT Bayern Munich LWB Vienna 84 €76.70 27
Jordi Alba ESP Barcelona LWB L'Hospitalet 81 €50.10 31
Virgil Van Dijk NED Liverpool CB Breda 90 €76.10 29
Dani Carvajal ESP Real Madrid RB Leganes 78 €54.70 28
NGolo Kante FRA Chelsea CDM Paris 83 €70.60 29
Sergio Busquets ESP Barcelona CDM Sabadell 83 €57.50 32
Kevin De Bruyne BEL Man City CAM Ghent 94 €103.00 28
Bernardo Silva POR Man City CAM Lisbon 87 €85.40 26
Marco Verratti ITA PSG CM Pescara 81 €59.20 27
Paul Pogba FRA Man United CM Lagny-sur-Marne 86 €78.90 27
Eden Hazard BEL Real Madrid LW La Louviere 91 €96.50 29
Thiago Alcantara ESP Bayern Munich CM San Pietro, Italy 84 €75.00 29
Cristiano Ronaldo POR Juventus ST Madiera 98 €35.80 35
Kylian Mbappe FRA PSG RF Paris 91 €101.00 22
Antoine Griezmann FRA Barcelona CF Macon 90 €87.80 29
Ciro Immobile ITA Lazio ST Torre Annunzata 80 €57.60 30
Average/Totals 85.32 1416.70 29.05
The strength of this squad is best explicated by the names that didn’t make it. Hugo Lloris, Toby Alderweireld, Jan Vertonghen, Raphael Varane, Clement Llenglet, Matthjis De Ligt, Gerard Pique, Lucas Hernandez, Blaise Matuidi, Joao Cancelo, Saul, Koke, Isco, Gini Wijnaldum, Memphis Depay, Romelu Lukaku, Dries Mertens, the list goes on forever…
Despite the damp squib that his club career has become, Paul Pogba has always delivered on an international stage, in fact the three French scorers in 2018’s final all make the shortlist. Kylian Mbappe romantically plays alongside Cristiano Ronaldo who will no doubt pass his best player in Europe baton to the ever-improving Parisian.
A defensive duet of Ramos and Van Dijk seems almost unfair, and incase of this behemoth backline being beaten, the side have two of the worlds best keepers to choose from.
The midfield was the most difficult to select and I could be persuaded to change, but the constant will be unparalleled technical ability and passing prowess. The premise of Kevin De Bruyne assisting Ronaldo makes me want to write this on an incognito tab.
The ones to beat for sure. While Germany or the UK may be perturbed to not make the cut, the old enemies will join forces to put a dent in West Europe’s title challenge
Indian Subcontinent
Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, 6 Burmese states ( Rakhaing, Chin, Sagain, Kachin, Magwe, Mandalay)
Population (Millions): 215.38
After a tough act to follow, today's headliners are guilty of being a little tone-deaf.
The sovereign states surrounding the North of India are as uninterested in soccer as their conjoined cousins, and the further this region departs from the land of Bollywood, the more footballers it produces.
Bhutan is the first instance I’ve seen of a nation that doesn’t have any footballers in the entire FM database, whilst Nepal’s talent pool is a mountain of mediocrity.
Bangladesh have tried to acquire the comparatively gargantuan talent of Leicester’s Hamza Choudhury who’s parents are committed Bengali Muslims; the ‘Bengal Tigers’ are currently in a bizarre spectation where they pray he becomes just good enough to not earn an England cap. Until then, the green team requires the help of western Myanmar to complete their squad.
Goalkeepers Birthplace FM20 Value Age
Shahidul Sohel BAN Abahani Limited GK Chittagong 24 €0.00 29
Ashraful Islam Rana BAN Sheikh Russel GK Manikganj 24 €0.00 31
Topu Barman BAN Bashundhara CB Narayanganj 23 €0.00 25
Yeasin Khan BAN Sheikh Jamal CB Dhaka 23 €0.00 25
Zaw Min Tun MYA Sukhothai CB Mandalay 38 €0.10 27
Nanda Kyaw MYA Shan United LB Mandalay 32 €0.01 23
Myo Ko Tun MYA Yadanarbon CB Magwe 25 €0.01 25
Thien Than Win MYA Yangon United LB Mandalay 32 €0.01 28
Soe Moe Kyaw MYA Ayeyawady CB Mandalay 31 €0.01 21
Yan Aung Win MYA Hantharwady RB Mandalay 31 €0.01 27
Jamal Bhuyan BAN Saif Sporting Club CDM Copenhagen, Denmark 30 €0.01 30
Mamun BAN Abahani CDM Tripura 24 €0.01 31
Sohel Rana BAN Abahani CM Dhaka 24 €0.01 25
Rohit Chand NEP Persiji Jakarta CM Surkhet 36 €0.20 28
Kyaw Ko Ko MYA Sukhothai LM Mandalay 38 €0.01 27
David Htan MYA Shan United CM Chin 35 €0.01
Hlaing Bo Bo MYA Yadanarbon CM Mandalay 33 €0.01 23
Maung Maung Soe MYA Yadanarbon RM Mandalay 30 €0.01 24
Nabib Newaz Jibon BAN Abrahani ST Dhaka 24 €0.01 29
Bimal Gharti Magar NEP Machhindra ST Nawalparasi 23 €0.00 22
Win Naing Soe MYA Yadanarbon ST Mandalay 33 €0.01 33
Kaung Sithu MYA Southern Myanmar ST Mandalay 32 €0.01 27
Average/Totals 29.32 0.45 26.67
The stand out players all seem to hail from Burma’s second largest city, Mandalay. The city’s football club Yadanarbon is a progressively edging closer to becoming an AFC Champions League team, and won the now defunct AFC President's cup in 2010.
Bhuyan is the best Bengali, the Danish born holding midfielder captains his nation and may end his career as their record appearance maker.
Zaw Min Tun and Kyaw Ko Ko are arguably playing at the highest level, sharing a dressing room at Thai club Sukhothai.
Four down, four to go. Next time we see the world’s greatest superstar Alex Iwobi.
Also Lionel Messi too.
Edit: Slovenia has been transferred to Eastern Europe because it transpires I can't count
submitted by Mel0n_Collie to soccer [link] [comments]

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Zatanna Zatara #2 - In her Father's Arms, his Daughter Sleeps

DC Next Proudly Presents…

Zatanna Zatara

Issue Two: In her Father’s Arms, his Daughter Sleeps
Arc: Dark Arts Before the Dawn
By: CitrusFriend3
Edited by: AdamantAce
Previous Issue | Next Issue: Loose Threads for the Beast
Over time, misconceptions had become increasingly common.
Almost anyone could have a trick up their sleeve. It was easier than ever to affiliate with the misguided. However, she hadn’t felt that way at all. Allowing them to drape a robe of crimson colour over one shoulder, her clenched heart eased in tension. It was fastened beneath the opposite arm, and the remaining fabric flowed freely over the woman’s knees. One of many rehearsed practices that made every soul in the gathering feel welcome. A black stripe stood out against the blood-red material, she lifted a finger which ran along it. A community. Where belief overpowered sense of direction. They stood close together, as silent as mice.
“Welcome, Ms. Gallagher.”
The room was darkly lit. An assortment of candles here and there catered to the low brightness. Each candle was expertly placed around a bowl, upon a raised stone altar.
Two individuals had separated from the group. One was a man, he had introduced the newcomer earlier. The other was a woman, her eyes gazing curiously into his as she furiously began whispering into the other’s ears. “I thought you were intelligent, Ferdinand. We were blessed with power and you let this fraud of a witch into our circle.”
“My dear Grace. Our mistress knows better than us. Going against her would be more than foolish.”
Shaking her head, the woman dressed similarly in crimson and black unsheathed a knife. The blade had not been wiped clean, dry blood gracing the steel. “Why does that make this... Ms. Gallagher so important?” Raising the weapon, she slit a cut that had recently healed enough to form a scab. Grace clenched her fist tightly, apparently, their mistress hadn’t gifted them with a heightened tolerance to pain. As if to remind the strange folk that they were indeed working towards their objectives. Somewhere, some place, she smiled with more wickedness than a tainted heart.
As droplets of blood began to fall into the bowl, Ferdinand’s eyes glinted as vividly as the flames he stared into. “For a simple reason,” he replied, in a hushed tone. “No one doubts one of their own. She will love, she will feel, and she will certainly manipulate.”
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆
A couple of days had passed since the discovery of the bodies. Whether that was something to be relieved about, she didn’t yet know. And Erik Highland made matters worse. The occult detective spent more time babbling about past relationships and bad decisions, rather than focusing on the problem at hand. It was a wonder that Zatanna had offered to meet him. The only reason she did was because reading police officers’ minds was unethical, to say the least.
Erik’s notebook page was littered in incomprehensible writing. A few diagrams were also scattered between the many words. “These are some rough sketches I got from the times I was at the scene. Gotta say, our culprits gotta be some shithead with a magic chainsaw or somethin’.”
His fingers pointed at each doodle, in order of the time of death. “All of these went down in the victims’ homes. Except for the last. Then again, bodies get dropped around all the time.”
Zee understood that an officer of law enforcement had a specific approach towards these events. Even an occult detective had a similar way of thinking. She also knew that this was one of their less ordinary cases.
It was the same each time.
Until now. This was the first instance in which forces of darkness had fought back. This same darkness had been victorious not so long ago. It had managed to barricade every entrance into the conscience of an elderly man. A woman. Their child. Countless others. Powerful forces that weren’t common. Those of which had the necessary capabilities to leave the sorceress sporting a headache. Fortunately, sleepless nights were something Zee was rather familiar with.
There wasn’t a great deal out there that could hurt her. Part of Zee was ashamed, she couldn’t perform a simple mind trick. There was a little fear, some hatred and a lingering rage she would dare not expose. She was also excited, a new challenge with which Zatanna could succeed in proving to herself that she was her father’s daughter.
That was fundamental in her role as a protector.
Not a hero. That was a word the media liked to use. To plunge the world into a safe cocoon and assure society that there was no harm coming to them. And using it against those very beings that worked to bring justice. In her opinion, news outlets were the paper form of twisted destiny.
She looked around the library. There were evil souls in this very vicinity. It was late in the day and soon the few occupants would be asked to leave. Zatanna’s mind returned to the world of media. If one thing existed solely to draw people in, then couldn’t anoth--
It was as though a light bulb had flickered to life in her mind when Zatanna finally responded. “What if I was meant to find them?”
The detective met the sorceress’ questioning gaze with a dumbfounded look. “You think some chump is sittin’ in their deck chair. With brandy and a list of names to throw your way. I didn't think attention seekin’ could be a crime. But here we are.”
“Funny, detective,” she replied. “I’ll make a quip or two myself once people stop waking up in the next life without their hearts.”
Erik cleared his throat. He found her to be quite… unusual. Provided she was in her own little world, he could give her the benefit of the doubt. Part of him just felt she could easily do whatever she liked. Yet, there she was, not seeing the bigger picture. Was the magician hiding something?
Safe to say he didn’t trust her much. “What else would you like to know?” In response to her question, he gestured towards what seemed to be her diary.
“The star. Sigil stuff that you uncovered at the crime scene. Figure it out yet?”
It was one thing she did understand. And it made little sense. The White Arts were credited for their immeasurable purity and self-realization. Zatanna would know, it was one of her preferred styles of sorcery. “Yeah, that. Some call it white magic. More commonly known as the White Arts. In a nutshell, the basis of this segment of sorcery is to restore tranquillity within a disrupted system.” Considering someone had forcibly inked the symbol linked to white magic upon a dead man’s corpse, it wasn’t exactly purifying. It was a sick joke, one she ironically took to heart.
The detective ensured the sigh didn’t escape his lips. Not that he was bored, or the fact that this was turning into a study session because of his own questions. How was Erik going to find a culprit with only this information? A family had passed, and countless more could die. And this witch was sat geeking out over her revision notes. “That doesn’t help…”
Lips pursed, she gazed at him curiously. San Francisco’s officers were certainly nicer. It gave more reason to wonder why Zatara had enjoyed this place.
Unlike her father, Zee didn’t prefer the atmosphere. No matter how magically tainted it seemed to be. The only thing between her and a fully-fledged argument with Erik Highland was her respect for what law enforcers did. “I have a particular way in which I approach these scenarios. Your opinion of that may be whatever you decide.”
“We’ve been sittin’ here for ages. And you’ve kept me and the entire department in the dark ever since your magic fireworks display. That’s not what teamwork is.” Erik, on the other hand, was prepared with hostility. For all his lack of giving a shit, he wasn’t prepared to walk into another massacre.
Zee looked at the sigils in her father’s journal. If she desired, they’d stir to life. Every ounce of supernatural charm would burst forth. Perhaps she’d mould that energy into a couple of tendrils and use them to shut his mouth.
People needed protection. Zatanna wouldn’t factor an innocent into the collateral damage that came with magic and its destructive capabilities. She worked to deny the chance of casualties and enough families had already suffered.
Something her colleague wasn’t realizing, in her opinion. Some in the world still saw magic as untapped science. Which was fine, until the wrong strings were pulled.
That’s how people got hurt. Died. When Giovanni Zatara taught his daughter the sleight of hand, Zatanna learned more than making something disappear. She understood conveyance of emotion, the element of surprise, the effect of the trick. The most important thing she had taken was studying her observers.
It was a lesson she had employed ever since. To look at the repercussions of the ‘trick’. And see how the onlookers acted. Whether it be shock, or pleasure, there was almost always a reaction.
“I’m doing this for your safety. This is no horror film, it’s the real thing. Ghosts, hauntings, and all. Minus the costumes and makeup, that blood was real! The deaths. Were also real. So listen to me, detective,” she shot back with a raised tone that attracted eyes, closing the diary which resulted in a loud thump. “If you’re not going to acknowledge the way I work, I’ll damn well do this alone.” Sliding out of her seat, Zatanna turned to leave. “Fire. The sacrificial kind. No one tears out a heart and marks the body with the glyphs of supreme power, without needing something in return. Figure it out.”
Watching her walk out, Erik fingered his temple. If he knew anything for sure, it was that mistakes were made. However, the answers were never planted before their eyes. Perhaps she was making the right call, but one thing had felt off to Highland. Zatanna felt she was being played. “You think someone’s toyin’ with you. Ain’t possible,” he muttered.
They had called her. Requested her assistance. He was fairly certain this had nothing to do with her arrival. Surely this was nothing close to an elaborate scheme that wanted Zatanna Zatara in the spotlight. Just because she was known for that sort of thing, didn’t mean he’d believe it anytime soon.
The buzz of his mobile phone diverted his attention. Lifting it, he answered the call. “Woah, tone it down, Duds. What’dya mean the lights are goin’ ham?”
Cursing a few times, he eyed the vexed librarian before he packed his things into a shoulder bag and left the public institution. Erik spoke again and glanced at the few clouds in the gloaming. “Nothin’, boss man. The damn curator still thinks I’m tryna sleep inside here. On my way.”
“What would Houdini do?”
For a while, all she’d been doing was walking and thinking. Was the detective right? Could she have been more open with the others? If her therapist knew of this, and therapists who were magicians did usually end up knowing, then her next session was going to be tiring.
Her insecurities could be pondered over later.
Woodlands were known for their supernatural properties. Zee wasn’t completely new to nature-based mysticism, her mind running over the texts of druids and Celtic legends she had read in her younger days.
Various species had a unique connection to the magic that the universe offered. Things she could exploit. Suddenly, it felt almost perfect that she’d found a place that housed that hidden magical property. Secluded and away from any distractions. She wasn’t looking for the oak tree’s strong link to healing abilities or protection spells. Neither was the Mistress of Magic interested in the death-inducing magic hidden in a certain species of Lilies. She knew quite a few people who would enjoy learning about that little fact.
All Zatanna needed, to help with the tracking incantations she was about to perform, from this particular area of greenery was some soil. As she ventured down a path that was surrounded by trees, hedges, and Earth’s natural beauty, the homo magus crouched. Cupping the palm of her hand, she dug her fingers into the ground, plucking a fistful of dirt.
Soon finding herself at an area in the park where the ground was flat, Zee smiled when she saw an assortment of small boulders of rock. It gave her space to work.
Usually, the sorceress would voice her desires and find herself at her destination. This was different. If whatever that awaited her at that destination was capable of hurting her more than it had already, preparation was important. She was taking no chances. Nothing like nature-based divination to brighten up her day.
Besides, she only had a single lead. And the best Zatanna could do with it was formulate a locating spell. Sacrificial fire. The drained blood of the fallen. Everything she had seen at the crime scene pointed to the summoning of a demon. She could retrace those steps, reverse the enchantment and gain a source of location.
It was much easier said than done. This time, Zatanna would use nature’s fundamental forces to create a protective barrier. So her spells could finish completely without interruption. And achieve completion without her getting hit with a psychic blast.
And give her a head start in saving a life.
Wasn’t that the entire point? Zatanna’s crusade had started in her early teenage years. Where she had set out to save a life. She intended to do the same again. Or all the public’s faith in her would be fraudulent. Which wasn't the sort of gambling Zee was into.
“Where’s a pillow and a good night’s rest when you need it?” She muttered.
To begin with, supplies were required. “Owt spam fo Sal Sagev. Nacirfa Doowkcalb. Eht sevael fo a Nawor. Dna a efink.” [Two maps of Las Vegas. African Blackwood. The leaves of a Rowan. And a knife.]
The idea of a magical shopping list amused her as much as performing a live tracking spell did. It felt like being on stage, except the audience was non-existent. It gave her the feeling of calmness, that she could spend as much time as she needed without worrying about another’s satisfaction. However, she quickly regained her focus. Upon each command, the items she needed appeared.
She began with the maps, placing one over the other after straightening the rolls. Zatanna had long ago discovered an entry in her father’s journal that explained the logistics behind location hunting. How direction, area, and even the people within the vicinity affected it.
Drawing a few drops of blood was next. One could call it the cost of the incantation. She knew better. The bodies had been almost entirely drained of their blood. It meant something feasted on the plasma, therefore the body liquid was extremely important in making this spell a unique one. Zatanna had initially believed this to be the work of vampires, although they weren’t as messy. Neither would they decorate a corpse with spells that could incinerate them upon a single glance. Plus, the woman was only half-human, her tainted blood would surely attract something.
The blood would act as a catalyst, both initializing the tracking process and drawing in whatever desired to feed on it. She felt good about it, most saw her for the fame and fortune she had worked for. Down to Earth, however, Zee knew how to work the magic fly trap. If only she had a better grasp of what sort of insect was being dealt with.
Rubbing her thumb where she had pricked it, she also used the knife to cut into the Rowan leaves. Allowing the shavings to fall onto the map, her hand waved over them to spread them out further.
She repeated the process with the thin sheet of African Blackwood. The leaves of a Rowan tree were known for the protective barriers that could be manifested from its inspirational magic. The dark black wood shavings were her power card. Zatanna allowed them to break away in her palm, holding them over the maps as she began to cast the spell.
“Morf eht s’rekamdnaw regdel, wohs em eht Tirips Dlrow.” [From the wandmaker’s ledger, show me the Spirit World.]
It was a bold move, assuming this was the work of a satanic entity. It was her first choice when it came to these kinds of investigations. After all, they were the beings who hated her the most.
Now that her incantation was limited to detecting nearby demons, it was necessary to specify the sort of spirit she was aiming to identify. Zatanna would likely describe it as a mystical filtering device. Bless whoever figured out magical tracking, certainly made her life easier.
“Edivorp a enivid gnisnaelc no siht hparg fo latnemele snoitaicossa.” [Provide a divine cleansing on this graph of elemental associations.]
The blackwood began to burn. Zee could have used a strand of hair or the corpse itself. Both of which would have been useless, given what happened the previous time she attempted that. The wood was essentially a perfect replacement.
For one, it had a great connection with the afterlife. And the two most important properties she deemed to exploit: its ability to block foreign energies, and its ability to latch onto nearby elemental forces. Fire was the one she was aiming to trap.
“Semalf fo eht daed, wohs em efil.” [Flames of the dead, show me life.]
As the shavings burned, the fire had no effect on the blackwood. Instead, it slipped off its stygian surface and engulfed the leaves. Before completely scorching the first map. Zatanna waited. If anything that needed her attention cropped up, it would be highlighted on the remaining diagram.
There was always a cost to magic. Surely, the blood of a Zatara was more than enough compensation for any nearby demonic entity. She hadn’t sold her soul.
Zatanna intended to take the next victim’s place.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆
As the night drew closer, light bulbs in the homes alongside a large stretch of the road illuminated. All except one. The residents must have gone out. That didn’t mean the home place was unoccupied. The trespassers were silent as they ventured along a hallway before pushing down a handle.
The door was a taupe colour, opening it revealed a child’s bedroom. “Last room, let’s get it over and done with.” Ferdinand’s gruff voice rang out whilst his sweat-laced palms struggled to grip a smooth flask’s lid.
“Just give me that and start with the glyphs. You know, I thought summoning demons was going to be harder.” The man rolled his eyes, deciding not to argue with Grace, who unscrewed the cap and held it in an upturned position. “How do you know these things won’t kill us instead?” Lifting the open flask at an angle, she watched as the blood she had offered earlier trickled into the cap. Fishing through the satchel she wore, she grasped a paintbrush. The bristles were stained, thin strands of a warm brownish-red shade stared up at Grace.
Ferdinand smiled down at the chalk between his fingers. “Our… mistress… is quite the benefactor. So quit whining and pass that over. They should be ready at the station soon.”
Once he had knelt down, the chalk tip pressed against the wall. “They call these ones shadow spirits,” he continued, “they’re more than demons. Gods, divinites, name them whatever you like. They won’t kill us, Grace, because the Daeva feast on what we offer them.”
After marking the wall with a faint outline, he took the cap and brush from the woman. Dipping one end into the pool of blood, Ferdinand painted over the chalkline. The strokes were systematic, almost ritualistic. The glyph was placed directly opposite to the window at the other end of the room.
“I think I’ll stick with shadow spirits, thank you.” Grace had found herself pulling at the curtains, ensuring light fell upon the sigil. Moonlight was the ultimate ingredient.
She looked at the final product. It was a curved ‘Z’, and an oval had been drawn between the glyph’s parallel lines. “We’re done here. Let’s go before one of them eats us…”
As the two cultists walked out, Grace’s tongue burned with a couple of questions. “You sure he’s going to walk into this trap? And what’s the new kid up to?”
The man thoughtfully rubbed the stubble on his chin before grinning at her. People had to die, and he wasn’t fine with that. But the mistress’ orders were to be carried out regardless. After all, she had blessed him and his followers with more of the supernatural than they had initially thought was real. And made their dreams come true. “No one said anything about this trap being put in place for the sergeant. Try looking at the bigger picture for once, sweetheart. It’s only his little girl that’s going to be torn apart.”
Grimacing, the witch by his side glanced at the sadistic man, as she sprinkled salt over a gap beneath the front door. Even Godly spirits had their weaknesses. “As for Ms. Gallagher, she’s our dashing thorn.” Ferdinand spoke with the hint of a smirk, “I hope Ms. Zatara likes greenery.”
Elsewhere, the loud knock of a clenched fist against a table rang in the air. “She walked out on you. Seriously? She’s the one person who knows what’s going on, and you let her run off. This isn’t an ordinary case, Highland.”
Saying Dudley McMahon was agitated was an understatement. He was the guy in charge, anything and everything that went wrong would be pinned against his lapel. Not the sort of badge he wanted to polish every morning. The sergeant shook his head and glanced at a pile of case files that were only going to grow bigger.
“Yeah, uh, I don’t know what you see in her. From afar, sure, dazzle and glitz, but up close? Eh, she’s better off doing this alone.” Erik closed the door and leaned against it, eyeing the other officer.
“Look boss, nothin’ against the chick, but someone who keeps the facts to themselves ain’t reliable.”
“Let’s put your non-existent work ethic to the side for a second, detective.” Dudley sat down and patted the files he’d been staring at. “You see this? This is a society calling for help. I aim to deliver. I trust Zatanna, until proven wrong. She has a better idea of what’s going on, and definitely the better resources, more than either of us. If it means people stop losing their mothers or siblings, I’ll gladly take all the aid I can get.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m sure she’s around somewhere.”
The sergeant slid a few papers across the table and motioned at them. “Have these go through processing, and we can get out of here.” The detective shuffled towards the desk and grabbed hold of the files, leaving soon after.
As always, Erik tossed the papers at someone else the minute he had the chance. He made a detour to the bathroom instead of immediately heading off to his personal workspace. Something Erik had done frequently that entire day. He pulled one of the doors back and stepped in, staring at the mirror above one of the washbasins for a second. Untucking his shirt, the occult detective didn’t look at the tattoo of sacred geometry just above the navel when he lifted it up. His eyes fell upon the thin line of torn flesh beside it, the wound a raw scar. He had two questions. When had it occurred, and why did it sporadically pour out a purplish-black liquid?
And then he’d left. Had he remained a few seconds longer, the whispers would have reached his ears. “Another pawn, another life. Time’s up.”
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆
This time, he was glad he wasn’t a passenger. He was perfectly comfortable driving. After parking up, the officer stepped out of his vehicle and made a beeline towards Zatanna. Why the hell was she outside his home?
The sorceress had teleported as soon as Dudley had turned the corner, the electric white aura of energy illuminating her surroundings for a few seconds that almost blinded the man. “Sergeant! A great pleasure, as always.” The woman greeted him fondly as if she hadn’t walked out on his pending investigation earlier.
McMahon was not impressed. “Where have you been?”
Her reply was both unexpected, and something he figured a woman like Zatanna would say. He’d known her on a slightly more personal level for almost 4 days, and he couldn’t recall meeting a more extroverted introvert. “In the woods.”
“Of course you were. Does it help the case in any way? Because, if you remember, you cancelled your show for this. If you’re struggling with your priorities, I’m sure others could help.”
The Mistress of Magic pondered over that. She really had taken a murder mystery over performing for her fans. The ignorant answer her conscience provided was that it was in her nature. To aid and understand, and use all her power for the better. The more sophisticated answer was hidden in the bad feeling in her gut. “Luckily for you, sir, I’ve solved your case. Our famous killer is waiting for me inside there,” she responded, gloved finger pointing directly at his residence.
Raising a brow, Dudley shook his head in disagreement. It was all Zee needed to whisper a few words that he didn’t catch onto. They both knew how the murderer targeted the victims. It began with the children and worked its way up the family hierarchy. “My daughter’s going to be asleep right about now. I’d know if something was wrong.”
Zatanna tilted her head to the side and smiled warmly, and he followed her gaze. “Precious, isn’t she?”
To his horror, his child was sleeping soundly in the passenger seat of his wife’s car, the latter also present in the vehicle. He couldn’t remember the previous 15 seconds either. “I can explain. Later.” Dudley turned around and clenched a fist.
“No. No more games.”
If he really wanted the truth, she wasn’t too worried about giving it to him. “I took the little sweetheart’s place. If my heart gets ripped to shreds, do send my regards to my cousin.”
The sergeant’s mind was beginning to fill with rage, and his designated firearm suddenly felt heavier. “Your idea of detective work is to sign your life insurance over to a damn murderer?! I’m sorry, I’ll be going in alone. Stay here.”
“Instead of your daughter, I think it’s reasonable for me to act as bait instead. I’ve already sealed the deal, quite a bloody affair if I’m being honest. We’re not dealing with psychos here. I’m also sorry,” she muttered, taking a step to block his way. “Peels.” [Sleep.] Zatanna watched his body curl up as he began to softly snore on the pavement. Before she entered the McMahon residence she spoke backwards once more.
“Emutsoc raeppa.” [Costume appear.]
The spellaholic wouldn’t have used keys even if she’d been handed them. Saying ‘unlock’ and ‘lock’ in reverse was enough.
Her boots had stepped on the blessed salt, poured earlier. “Hmm.” She wondered why someone would willingly summon a demon, only to trap it. It could possibly be more powerful than she anticipated. A quick trip to a nearby religious establishment didn’t seem too bad of an idea, except Zatanna was sure that her scent had already aroused whatever was lurking in the sergeant’s home.
The silence made her feel uneasy. Amongst everything she had gone up against, nothing gave her goosebumps quite like hellspawn. The occupants of the homes either side of the one she was currently in most likely had no idea about what was going on.
Zee couldn’t lie, and bottle the hint of jealousy that came with the thoughts of having a normal lifestyle. Before she remembered stepping away from the life she lived would only remind her how far she had steered away from normalcy.
An unusual gust, as cold as ice, forced her to tense.
Turning, she saw nothing once her eyes adjusted to the dark. So much for the element of surprise. Something wanted to lure her in. Zatanna would do exactly that.
It was foolish, but the quickest way to deal with a problem was to tackle it head on.
The staircase’s floorboards creaked softly under each step. The Mistress of Magic tried picturing it from the sergeant’s daughter’s point of view. The girl would have been surrounded by the dark forces of life, forced to face her fears. Zee knew what terror felt like, the opportunity to take the child’s place was thus an easy decision.
Pain. The physical kind. She should have seen it coming. From her peripheral, the sorceress had spotted a stirring shadow. She had not expected it to be her own, nor had she anticipated the contortions and twists.
And definitely not the long tendril of shadow that reached out to claw at her face. Out of sheer desperation to catch a glimpse of the beast, she spoke out.
“Thgil!” [Light!]
The simple spell illuminated her palms, and she caught sight of a humanoid frame of living darkness. Arms long and sectioned off into tree-like branches of razor-sharp talons.
The sudden emergence of light was blindingly bright. The demon that had latched onto her shadow shrieked, dissipating into nothingness. Knowing that the elemental forces of her white magic were a weakness for most species of hellspawn wasn’t enough.
Zatanna needed more. And she got it in the form of a wall of pitch-black mist slamming her backwards. She felt a door behind her open when she hit it.
Concentrating, she held out her palms to emit a large block of photonic energy to counter the demon’s abilities. The projection wouldn’t last long, her combatant’s level of power was increasing by the second. The light brightened the surrounding room.
Which is how she identified the sigil.
Ferdinand’s diagram almost glowed in the presence of the demonic entity that had been summoned by it. She instantly recognized the Zoroastrian symbol. “Well. I’m done for.” Zatanna’s opinion changed when she saw the materials the symbolic drawing had been sketched with.
“A kcits fo klahc.” [A stick of chalk.]
Thanks to what she now knew was a shadow spirit, she already had blood in the form of a bleeding wound under her left eye.
Beginning to struggle under the pressure of the Godly deity, she cursed under her breath. It was either plain luck, or whoever was behind this knew the limits of her magical attributes.
A higher entity had the ability to retaliate. And Zee allowed it to, releasing the light energy and watching the cloud of despair behind it take shape again. She knew two things. It hated light, and it was slow. Slow enough for her to begin drawing. There was no time to summon an Amesha Spenta (beings she recalled to be the Daevas' opposites). But there was enough time to etch a trapping circle around her.
In normal circumstances, it would be useless. But she could remember how it attacked her. It needed to feed on her shadow in order for her to become its marionette. In simple terms, she was about to make it look like more of an idiot than she was, for thinking she could take on the personification of every disease in humanity.
As soon as she had drawn the circle, she couldn’t move any more. The spirit was close enough to merge itself with her. The inflicted wound on her cheek began to burn. Zatanna needed a few seconds, which the divinity of chaos took advantage of.
Before it could tighten a claw-like solidification of shadow around her neck, Zee spoke. “Htiw eht gnisselb fo ruoy rotaerc, sith prat lliw dloh uoy renosip.” [With the blessing of your creator, this trap will hold you prisoner.]
The evil spirit closed the tendril, to no avail. Zatanna stood and stepped out of the circle. “You’re no longer confined to me, your grace,” she sarcastically stated.
She could kill it. Which would lead her nowhere. If there was one thing she knew, it was how to dupe her audience. This card trick was less sleight of hand, and more knowledge of the occult. The Daeva community were an evil bunch, a community that desired freedom. This was possibly the worst mistake of her life, but on the other hand, they’d only be a threat to her.
A magician always paid their price, and Zatanna had one more little trick up her sleeve. Banishment was tricky. The wording had to be philosophical, almost inviting. Like a perfect distraction.
“Eht ecorf fo doog sehsinab uoy morf siht emoh dna yreve emoh!
“Uoy lliw esaeler sevlesruoy morf eht noitcritser fo srenommus, yb lliw fo ym tnemyap fo modeerf.”
[The force of good banishes you from this home and every home!
You will release yourselves from the restriction of summoners, by will of my payment of freedom.]
In essence, it was waging war with an army of Gods. She could handle it, right?
“Annataz Arataz si ruoy ylno ymene. Won nrub ni Lleh.”
[Zatanna Zatara is your only enemy. Now burn in Hell.]
The Daeva’s form broke apart when the holy flame engulfed it, returning it to the hidden society of its fellow brethren in the alps of the underworld. When she left the house, the trapping circle had disappeared.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆
Quiet bars were hard to find. Quiet in the sense that her famous face wouldn’t be recognized. Zee sat in front of the bartender, looking into her empty glass. She didn’t know exactly what she’d just done. It was one thing to save a girl’s life. Releasing an army of the ancient personification of evil was another thing entirely.
Zatanna had lost something else of importance in her most recent hex.
She wouldn’t have the time to recognize that, when a woman that Zee found rather attractive sat on the stool beside her. A conversation stirred quickly, and the sorceress let the beverages pull her away from the thoughts she was initially concentrating on.
Lydia Gallagher grinned, this would be much easier than expected.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆
The Mistress of Magic’s adventure continues in Loose Threads for the Beast
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age requirement to gamble in las vegas video

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The following states allow anyone of the age of 18 to gamble in their casinos. Some restrictions apply. For more information, check out the map above. Arkansas; California; Connecticut; Delaware Points To Remember When Gambling In Las Vegas. or 21 or older to gamble with real money, setting its minimum age requirement for all available forms of gambling at 19. The legal age to gamble in Las Vegas is 21 years. At this age, you are free to play or be found around the gambling houses. Those below this age are not allowed to gamble. Gambling in Las Vegas is subject to a strict minimum age requirement of 21 years old; nowhere in the city is an 18 year old permitted to gamble. In fact, c History You have to be at least 21 to gamble in Las Vegas, or even be in the gaming area. Someone under 21 isn't allowed to even stand or sit and watch someone else gamble. The hotels are set up so you have to walk through the casino to get to the elevators, so the idea is that if you're under 21, you have to keep moving. Minimum Age to Gamble in United States of America. Below you will find the minimum legal age to gamble in various locations around the U.S., Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. In the 50 American states, some times you'll see a variance, this usually is due to Indian casinos having different age requirements in their casinos than state regulated Las Vegas is hot in the summer and cool in the winter but the dress is normally casual. Casual means shorts, t-shirts, golf shirts, sun-dresses and jeans. Las Vegas receives less than 4 inches of rain all year. Rain is very unlikely during your visit. We may get a once-a-winter dusting of snow sometime in January but it melts within minutes. Usually, this is either 18 or 21, in most states in the U.S. and certainly in Nevada. The gambling age in Vegas is 21 for all available activities, including casinos, poker, and pari-mutuel betting. We have put together a table you can use to reference the gambling age by state in the USA. Legal Gambling in the USA. Curfew for Kids in Las Vegas The city’s curfew laws   allow children under 18 to be accompanied by parents in non-gaming areas around the Strip at any However, unaccompanied minors may not idle or wander in public spaces from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. Sunday through Thursday, or from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Answer 1 of 11: I have a son who is 19 and I know he has to be 21 to gamble but would he be allowed to accompany my husband & I into the casino just to watch while we play the slots or would he not be allowed to be in there at all?

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